Limehouse Foreshore, London, Jul 2020

Come Hell or High Water

Anne Bean and Richard Wilson wrote in the announcement for the event:

Wuhan has been a familiar word to us for many years because of the city’s hand-made gongs and cymbals, which we often used in events, referring to them as Wuhans. They appeared in several of our scores as the word WUHAN in amongst breath and sirens, thunder drums and skulls, hooters and cannons, dark and welder, frogs and thunder sheets, fire extinguisher and strobes, harmonica balloons and goat bells. On July 5th at the exact moment of each of the full Thunder moon, (the 8.12 overture), the Dark moon, the sunset and the low tide, Wuhans will be gonged and we’ll toast each of these sun and moon actions and interactions.

Find out more

PDF download (1 page / 243 KB) here


Four GONGS for WUHAN (2020)